9 Amazing health benefits of eating Gold. Is there any side effect?

Gold is a noble atom, hence it does not react with any other metal present in the body. It is a soft and yellowish-colored...

Nisha Rawal used to answer her fans questions about pregnancy, edema, and stretch marks on her youtube channel

Nisha Rawal is an Indian TV actress and model and has played many amazing roles in daily soaps. She used to answer many questions...

5 Best superfoods to boost the power of subconscious mind

Do you know there are some superfoods to boost the power of the subconscious mind?  You can harness the power of your subconscious mind...

What is black alkaline water? What are it’s scientific benefits?

As well all know that there are various amazing benefits of consuming water. It enhances your complexion, regulates your body temperature, boosts energy levels,...

10 Amazing Benefits of Inositol for PCOD

In this blog, we will explore ten amazing benefits of inositol for PCOD and how it can help women find relief from this challenging condition.

8 Best Health Supplements for Women working in Night Shifts

Are you a female working on the challenging night...

Does plastic bottle water cause male infertility? Is it true?

We all use plastic bottles to preserve water and drink water in them every day. But, do you know? It is affecting your hormonal levels. Studies say that plastic water bottle releases some chemicals which seep into the water which interferes with the endocrine system of the body, especially in males and cause erectile dysfunction, increase in estrogen levels in males, gynecomastia (developments of the breast in males), and sometimes infertility.

Scientific analysis of Rubina Dilaik’s diet plan and skincare routine | Big Boss Winner Season 14

Big Boss winner Season 14, (21 February 2021) Rubina Dilaik received lots of love and support from her fans. She gained her popularity through "Choti Bahu" and "Shakti". She is extremely beautiful and gorgeous. Do you want to know Rubina Dilaik's diet plan and skincare secrets? Most of you must have seen her doing yoga and workout during the Bigg Boss Season 14 and might be curious to know her diet and skincare regime. But, do you know how much hard work and self-discipline she put in to keep herself fit and her skin look flawless?

Does a Seaweed skin whitening mask is really effective? I Seaweed face mask review

Seaweed skin whitening face pack videos, showing magical results after application. Nowadays these kinds of videos are getting viral on the internet but the question here arises is that, does it actually work as shown in the videos or it is just another marking scam? Let's find out.

12 Easy tips to balance Vata dosha – General characteristic and health conditions

According to ayurvedic philosophy, the complete cosmos is an interaction of energies of the 5 super factors- Space, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. Every individual has a particular pattern of energies that constitutes our body's mental and physical structure. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are the mixture and variations of those 5 factors. If you want to balance these doshas, then you need to understand their concept deeply.

11 Easy tips to balance Pitta dosha – General characteristic and health conditions

Individuals with prevalent pitta dosha are generally medium-tall with athletic figures. They don't care for blistering summers and splendid sun. Pitta personalities sweat effectively and rapidly. They have warm, bronzed to freckled skin with incessant skin break out and firm hair with an inclination to untimely turning grey.

5 Best ways to increase testosterone level naturally no one told you before

Testosterone is the essential sex hormone with a chemical formula of C19H28O2. It is an anabolic steroid present in men. It is metabolized in the liver and excreted through urine. Testosterone plays an essential role in the development of sex organs i.e, Tests and ovaries. It is responsible for facial hair growth, muscle growth, deepening of the voice, and penial erection.

9 Easy tips to balance Kapha dosha – General characteristic and health conditions

According to the Ayurveda, "Kapha dosha" individuals are a reflection of elements of water and earth. Imbalance in any of the dosha can lead to various diseases. Ayurvedic philosophy focuses on healing the whole body and person dosha. Nowadays the scientists are working to collect evidence to support the theory of "tridosha"1

Amazing and wonderful benefits of dark chocolate you never know

Chocolate is not only it is delicious but it is filled with enormous health benefits. In this blogs, we are going to discuss some amazing health benefits of chocolate which will definably give you a reason to gift this health package to the one you love.

Scientific analysis of Rubina Dilaik’s diet plan and skincare routine | Big Boss Winner Season 14

Big Boss winner Season 14, (21 February 2021) Rubina Dilaik received lots of love and support from her fans. She gained her popularity through "Choti Bahu" and "Shakti". She is extremely beautiful and gorgeous. Do you want to know Rubina Dilaik's diet plan and skincare secrets? Most of you must have seen her doing yoga and workout during the Bigg Boss Season 14 and might be curious to know her diet and skincare regime. But, do you know how much hard work and self-discipline she put in to keep herself fit and her skin look flawless?