Achieve your fitness goals faster by knowing your ayurvedic body type


Do you know what’s your ayurvedic body type? or Have you ever wondered why all individuals differ from each other? Why some people are short-tempered, some are calm, and some can gain weight easily while few people struggle throughout their life to gain some pounds. Ayurveda explained the reason behind these questions.

Ayurvedic body type


According to Ayurveda, the human body is made up of five elements ( mahabhutas), Akasa, Vayu, Tejas, Ap, and Prithvi. These 5 elements combine to form three types of doshas or Tridoshas. Three doshas are known as VataPitta, and Kapha. The majority of people usually have one or two dominant doshas in themselves which are responsible for how someone behaves or thinks ( commonly called Prakruti “PRAHK-roo-tee”). However, it is said that, if the proportion of your current dosha is closer to the birth constitution then the person remains more energetic and healthy.

The imbalance in these doshas can make you sick, not only physically but mentally too. “Vikruti” is the common term used to define imbalanced dosha.

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Ayurvedic body type: Is it important?

Do you know why is very important to know your ayurvedic body type?

Well! here is the answer. By recognizing your body type and working to balance the doshas you can have the following benefits;

  1. You can achieve your fitness goal faster.
  2. It is very helpful for people suffering from various lifestyle diseases.
  3. You can plan your diet and balance your doshas, to attain a happy and disease-free life.
  4. Balancing doshas can help you overcome anxiety, depression, or various mental symptoms as well.
  5. Balanced doshas are the key to a happy and healthier life.

What is my Ayurvedic body type?

How would you describe your body?

(A). Lean
(B). Moderate
(C). Well developed

How would you describe your body frame?

(A) Thin
(B) Medium
(C) Broad

What is your skin type?
(A) Dry and Cracked

(B) Oily and Acne-prone
(C) Smooth and Clear

What is your skin complexion?

(A) Dark
(B) Medium Fair
(C) Very Fair

How is your teeth’ structure?

(A) Protruding with thin gums
(B) Small yellow teeth and thin bleeding gums
(C) White teeth with strong gums

How would you describe your nail type?

(A) Thin and Brittle
(B) Soft and Pink
(C) Thick and White

What is your eye shape?

(A) Small
(B) Medium
(C) Big

How are your lips?

(A) Thin, dark, dry, or cracked.
(B) Pink and Soft
(C) Pale ( White)

Describe your hair type?

(A) Dry and thin
(B) Oil and premature grey
(C) Thick and smooth

How much is your body weight? You are;

(A) Thin and its very difficult for you to gain weight
(B) Fluctuating body weight
(C) Obese or have a tendency to gain weight

How much physically active you are?

(A) Mild
(B) Moderate
(C) Very Active

You are;

(A) Cold intolerant
(B) Heat intolerant
(C) Intolerant to both

How is your immune health?

(A) Poor
(B) Good
(C) Very good

How is your appetite?

(A) Good
(B) Moderate
(C) Poor

How is your digestion?

(A) I can digest anything
(B) My digestion is OK
(C) Very poor

How is your stool?

(A) Hard and constipated
(B) Lose and watery
(C) Moderate

Which is your favorite taste?

(A) Spicy
(B) Sweet

(C) Sour

How is your communication?

(A) Talkative and fast
(C) Sharp and analytical
(D) Less talkative

How would you describe your emotions?

(A) Fearful and anxious
(B) Short-tempered
(C) Cool and Calm

How is your sleep?

(A) Disturbed
(B) Good
(C) Sound Sleep

I am sure you must have answered the above questions honestly. So, here is your answer;

Vata dosha

If the majority of your answer falls under the A category then your dominant dosa is “Vata“. The reason behind the imbalance is the consumption of spicy food an unhealthy lifestyle and irregular sleeping pattern. These people are usually shot-tempered and appear thin.

Their skin usually remains dry and most of the time remains constipated. But, they are quick learners and very enthusiastic. They are full of energy all the time but due to this excessive energy flow, they are not able to get sound sleep or generally get a nightmare.

Also read – 12 Easy tips to balance Vata dosha – General characteristics and health conditions

Pitta dosha

If the majority of your answers are B then your dominant dosha is “Pitta”. Pitta dosa arises due to the consumption of spicy, oily, fried, alcohol, fermented food, red meat, and body heat-inducing food. These people usually suffer from GERD ( Gestrointerstinal reflex disease), foul smell in the mouth, pimples on the skin, and hair thinning.

These people are thin and have strong metabolism but usually face the problem of premature graying of hair. They have a strong concentration and are very determined toward their goal. They possess excellent communication skills.

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Kapha dosha

If the majority of your answers are “C” then you are a “Kapha” person. Well! have you ever wondered, that you try to lose weight but are not able to lose those annoying extra pounds despite great efforts and have been trying to find out the answer? So, here is your answer! Kapha people are usually overweight, with curly and thin hair.

They have lots of mood swings and are very emotional, these people have a great tendency to catch cough and cold faster and have low immunity. They face terrible food cravings and are sometimes very jolly people.

I am glad that you found your ayurvedic body type. Some of you might have got both A and B as the majority of answers or B and C. Based on those results, you could be a Vata-Pitta, Pitta-Kapha, or Kapha-Vata, these people show a mixture of both traits.

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