Best homeopathic medicines for clear skin and look younger

homeopathic medicines for clear skin

Do you know homeopathy can treat all your skin problems? Here are some best homeopathic medicines for clear skin and looking younger. Let’s find out!

It is everybody’s dream to attain clear and flawless skin. Many people today suffer from acne, pimples, and dull-looking skin. To treat their skin problems people try different skincare brands which contain a lot of harmful chemicals which actually make your skin problem even worse and cause more irritation and stress.

Best homeopathic medicines for clear skin

1. Smoothie Drop and Smoothie Complexion Cream

homeopathic medicines for clear skin

Smoothie Drops

These drops are very effective for acne, pimples, dry rough skin, and scaly skin. It is very effective in providing a healthy glow to your skin. Many people online have reported amazing results after using it for more than 7 months without any side effects.

How to use the drops: 10-15 drops in water three times a day.

Ingredients used in the smoothie drops

Berberis Aquifolium Q:  A remedy for chronic catarrhal affections of the skin. Pimples, acne, and blotches. Clears the complexion.1 Pimply, dry, rough, scaly. Eruption on scalp extending to face and neck.

Kali Bromatum 2x: Kali Brom Dilution is a homeopathic medicine that is used to treat various health problems, including acne, psoriasis, paralysis, stammering, and sleeplessness. Known as Potassium Bromide, this medicine treats severe acne with bluish-red pustules and itching, especially on the face, neck, and chest.

Pulsatilla 3x: Pulsatilla is used to treat painful conditions of the male or female reproductive system, skin conditions, and other conditions. Pulsatilla This remedy can be helpful if acne is worsened by eating rich or fatty foods, and aggravated by heat or humidity. It is indicated especially around the time of puberty or when acne breaks out during menstruation.  

Calcarea Crab 3x: It is used to treat a variety of diseases and disorders such as acne. 

Thuja Occ 5x: It can also be used to treat infections of the skin and the formation of warts and painful swelling on the skin.

Mangifera Ind 2x: Skin as if sunburned, swollen. White spots, intense itching.

Ingredients used in the smoothie cream

Berberis Aqui Q

Ledum Pal Q

Hydrastis Q

In addition to treating acne, pimples, and blemishes, the Ralphie Smoothie Complexion Cream helps to bring a fair complexion by helping to treat acne, blotches, and pimples. Helps reduce brown spots and dark circles due to hormonal changes, stress, lack of sleep, or an unhealthy lifestyle. Blackheads are removed, and the skin’s texture is improved. It also helps to treat skin allergies.

How to use Ralson Remedies Smoothie Complexion Cream

Rub Smoothie gently on your face and skin using your fingertips in a circular motion.

Overnight, leave the application running.

No cosmetics or toiletries are contained in this product.

Also read – 10 Best homeopathic medicines for Gynecomastia that works 100%

Lord’s Glow Care Complexion Drops + Cream

homeopathic medicines for clear skin

If we talk about the best homeopathic medicines for clear skin and look 10-15 years young then this glow care is a good option for you. The glow care complexion cream is formulated with a proprietary blend of several homeopathic herbs. It contains ingredients such as berberis Aqui, Ledum pal, etc. It is indicated to treat acne, pimples, blotches, and allergic manifestations. It is ideally advised for the dark rings around the eyes. It is also indicated for blackheads, and dry and rough skin. It also enhances the fairness of skin texture.

Key Ingredients in glow care

Berb Aqui – A remedy for chronic catarrhal affections of the skin. Pimples, acne, and blotches. Clears the complexion.1 Pimply, dry, rough, scaly. Eruption on scalp extending to face and neck.

Kali Brom – It provides relief from severe acne with bluish-red pustules with itching, especially on the face, neck, and chest.

Pulsatilla – Pulsatilla This remedy may be useful if acne is worsened by eating rich or fatty food, or by heat or cold. It is recommended around the time of puberty, or when acne breaks out around menstruation.

Thuja- It can also be used to treat infections of the skin and the formation of warts and painful swelling on the skin.

Sepia- The homeopathic remedy sepia2 is useful in treating a number of skin disorders. In fact, this medication is very effective for treating skin problems. It was very effective in getting rid of acne, dark spots, freckles, dry skin, scaly patches, and warts. Also, it is used for treating burns blisters, sunburns, eruptions on the skin, and insect bites.

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