5 best supplements for men working in night shift

It is actually a tough job to maintain your health while working in night shift. But with a proper exercise routine healthy diet and...

Top 10 enormous and mind-blowing benefits of honey and best brands available in the market

Honey is one of nature’s most remarkable gifts which has enormous benefits and is mind-blowing. It is a sweet and viscous food substance made by honey bees and some insects. It is produced by bees by the sugary secretion of flower nectar or from secretions of other insects. Honey is stored in the honeycomb of honey bees.

10 Wonderful benefits of eating raw dates everyone should know

Dates contain fiber that strengthens and nourishes your heart. Let's talk about some amazing benefits of eating raw dates.  I'm assuming you've eaten many ripe...

Best treatment to get rid of under eye wrinkles everyone should know

Lots of people suffer from undereye wrinkles with age. As people age, the skin loses its elasticity and is not able to renew the...

10 Amazing Benefits of Inositol for PCOD

In this blog, we will explore ten amazing benefits of inositol for PCOD and how it can help women find relief from this challenging condition.

8 Best Health Supplements for Women working in Night Shifts

Are you a female working on the challenging night...

Does plastic bottle water cause male infertility? Is it true?

We all use plastic bottles to preserve water and drink water in them every day. But, do you know? It is affecting your hormonal levels. Studies say that plastic water bottle releases some chemicals which seep into the water which interferes with the endocrine system of the body, especially in males and cause erectile dysfunction, increase in estrogen levels in males, gynecomastia (developments of the breast in males), and sometimes infertility.

Scientific analysis of Rubina Dilaik’s diet plan and skincare routine | Big Boss Winner Season 14

Big Boss winner Season 14, (21 February 2021) Rubina Dilaik received lots of love and support from her fans. She gained her popularity through "Choti Bahu" and "Shakti". She is extremely beautiful and gorgeous. Do you want to know Rubina Dilaik's diet plan and skincare secrets? Most of you must have seen her doing yoga and workout during the Bigg Boss Season 14 and might be curious to know her diet and skincare regime. But, do you know how much hard work and self-discipline she put in to keep herself fit and her skin look flawless?

Does a Seaweed skin whitening mask is really effective? I Seaweed face mask review

Seaweed skin whitening face pack videos, showing magical results after application. Nowadays these kinds of videos are getting viral on the internet but the question here arises is that, does it actually work as shown in the videos or it is just another marking scam? Let's find out.

Top 10 health benefits of Apple you should know

Knowing, the benefits of apple will blow your mind! Most of us have probably read the phrase, “ An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Well, this phrase is 100% true. Apple grows on “Malus domestica” or Apple tree. This fruit is enriched with enormous benefits. I am sure you will be shocked to read about the health benefits of Apple. Apple is actually a fruit that is high in demand and is exported across the world.

6 Best brands of apple cider vinegar available on Amazon in 2021

I am sure you will be shocked to know that apple cider vinegar is an ancient remedy for a lot of health problems. Apple cider vinegar was used by ancient Greeks around 400 B.C, Hippocrates (the Father of modern medicine prescribed apple cider vinegar with honey to cure illness.

Top 10 enormous and mind-blowing benefits of honey and best brands available in the market

Honey is one of nature’s most remarkable gifts which has enormous benefits and is mind-blowing. It is a sweet and viscous food substance made by honey bees and some insects. It is produced by bees by the sugary secretion of flower nectar or from secretions of other insects. Honey is stored in the honeycomb of honey bees.

10 Best indoor plants to absorb poisonous chemicals present in your house

"Health is not limited to what we eat, the air we breathe also matters." As we all know that in this covid situation we are spending most of our time inside the home. But, do you know? that the air quality inside your house is actually polluted. Inhaling this polluted air results in many chronic diseases, especially in children.

What are Dopamine detox and dopamine diet? Is it the best method to lose weight?

Dopamine is basically a chemical messenger or a neurotransmitter that is produced in the brain by the hypothalamus. It is released when we do an activity that we feel pleasurable. Our brain release more dopamine when we put more focus on pleasurable activates. Have you have given a thought – why you enjoy watching a movie (thriller, romantic, or comedy) and never get bored of it, hanging out with friends, watching a cricket or baseball match?.

Achieve your fitness goals faster by knowing your ayurvedic body type

Do you know what's your ayurvedic body type? or Have you ever wondered that why all the individuals differ from each other? Why some people are short-tempered, some are calm, some can gain weight easily while few people struggle throughout their life to gain some pounds. Ayurveda explained the reason behind these questions.